Busuioaca de Bohotin
If bees would exclusively produce honey from roses pollen, its taste would be indistinguishable from the taste of authentic Busuioacă de Bohotin.
The colour of the wine is onionskin pink with shades of violet, distinctive colour of the grapes from which it is obtained. This wine's sweetness is elegantly balanced by the elevated acidity, which makes it at the same time friendly and reinvigorating. This is the veritable taste of Busuioacă de Bohotin.
Served chilled, the dessert-wine acidity becomes stronger, whereas the tasting buds are mollycoddled by the novelty of the wine. It is an exceptional and reinvigorating wine, which can be enjoyed at any moment of the day, whatever the season. It is nothing short of a delight for thoughts and senses.