Through its soil and climate conditions, the Pietroasa viticultural domain distinguishes from the one in Urlaţi through its osseous soil, with high limestone content, established on calciferous soil, the terrain exposure, its rich heliothermal resources and a regime low enough on precipitation. Consisting of high temperatures and low precipitations, this region is excellent for sweet and flavoured grape varieties.
Basilescu Winery owns over 40 ha cultivated with: Busuioacă de Bohotin, Romanian Muscatel, White Maiden and Italian Riesling, from the wine category with Controlled Origin Naming (D.O.C.) – Pietroasa. This is the region from which grapes from in the Ingeri din Micul Paris, Eclipse and Dessert-wines – Busuioacă de Bohotin gamut, withdraw their sap.