“Wine is the healthiest and most sanitary among beverages” – Louis Pasteur
As far as ancient Greece, wine played an important role in medicine. Hippocrates recommend wine for a healthy diet, wound disinfection and a dilution environment for certain medication.
A healthy and moderate alcohol consumption varies with age, gender, genetics, stature and health. Women generally absorb alcohol faster than men due to lower water content within the body and a different enzyme level – hydrolysis. Generally, one glass of wine a day – cca. 150 ml is recommended, depending on stature and gender.
Greek poet Eubulus though that tree cups of wine (250 ml each), meaning a 750 ml bottle, was the ideal consumption quantity: “Three cups of wine do I blend to temper myself: one for health, which I drink first, one for love and relish and a third one to sleep.”
Wine contains resveratrol, a phenolic compound, extracted from grape peel during the alcoholic fermentation. It is present in larger quantities in red grapes than in white grapes.
A moderate wine consumption possesses benefits because:
- reduces cancer risk for lungs, prostate, ovaries, stomach, esophagus, colon
- reduces cataract risk
- for women, especially elderly women, it maintains bone density thus preventing osteoporosis
- resveratrol may be capable of reducing estrogen production which develops cancerous breast tumours
- resveratrol reduces the risk of inflammation and thrombosis
- it improves the cardiovascular system, through cholesterol regulation, reduces the risk of heart diseases, etc
- it improves brain and memory functioning through stimulation of acethylcholine production which in turn stimulates the functioning of the nervous system
- increases the degree of socialization
Flavonoids may be found in red wine, which possess preventive effects:
- antioxidant effect and blocks free radicals
- anti-inflammation and immune system strengthening effects
- asthma and allergy prevention
- protection against viruses and bacteria
- prevents the apparition of cancerous malformations
- and many more
We recommend a healthy, high quality wine consumption!
Wine is a nourishment that contains up to 15% alcohol, which is why a moderate consumption is recommended. Excessive and prolonged alcoholic beverages consumption is harmful for nervous cells, liver, pancreas, etc..
Alcohol consumption is not recommended for people suffering of certain illnesses. They must consult a physician beforehand.